Travel As Healing

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Here's To Twenty-Nine

Here's to the last year in my 20s

here’s to coconut oil, vaseline and shea butter // SKIN BEAUTY

here’s to fig, dumpling and saltfish, callaloo soup, lemon-grass tea, mauby and oil-down // HEALTH

here’s to sweeping the yard, drouging (sp) water on my head, washing in the river, going in the land to pick cocoa // WORK ETHIC

here’s to insults, name-calling, bitterness and negligence // RESILIENCE

here’s to a broken heart. lots of tears and laughter too. here’s to knowing my worth and loving myself enough to leave // CHARACTER & STRENGTH

here’s to the peace and freedom i've found. here's to soul transformation. a college education (first-gen) and a job I love // DEDICATION & AMBITION

here’s to all my champions, the people who cheered me on and continue to do so, my board of directors, my framily // LOVE

here’s to closed doors and opened ones too. here’s to lessons learned and the journey ahead // VISION

This is my life. here’s to 29.